Time running out to listen to BBC Radio interviews about Outlander with Àdhamh and Sam

BBC Radio only allows listeners 7 days to listen to its archived radio programs, so we are down to the last day you can listen via the website.  Don’t miss out!

BBC Radio Scotland – Good Morning Scotland in English

There are a few nice comments from Sam and we can actually hear Àdhamh speak about the importance of the Gàidhlig in English as well!

Listen to the entire piece here. The Outlander piece begins at about 1:49 in.

BBC Radio Nan Gàidheal – Aithris Na Maidne

I listened to it online and amused myself by picking out Gàidhlig words I knew here and there.  I was very pleased that I mostly understood the weather forecast.  However, the real reward is that Sam is interviewed for a few minutes during the piece on Outlander and they switch to English after exchanging “Good afternoon”, “How are you”, and “very well” courtesies. Àdhamh has his bit of the interview as well, but unfortunately (for us that is) it is in Gàidhlig and I can’t understand it all.

You can listen to the show using this link. The Outlander piece starts approximately 23:48 into the broadcast.

Outlander Scottish Press Day roundup – Hint Sam speaks in English to BBC Radio

I don’t often post the general Outlander TV series related news but I figured today would be a good exception since most of the articles are calling out the attention paid to Gàidhlig language and culture in the production. I’m also including a link to the BBC Radio Nan Gàidheal program Aithris Na Maidne.

The Scotsman

The first article released yesterday was from The Scotsman. It’s a bit filled with hyperbole for my taste. The author makes it sound a bit like 2000 Outlander fans have been storming Doune Castle. Àdhamh isn’t credited as the Gaelic coach in this article but they did talk to Sam a bit about it and he highlights the Gàidhlig being an important part of the story. I am a bit worried now about exactly how bad Jamie’s scars are going to look after this quote from Sam:

Heughan, who admitted he has had to die his hair red for the part, said: “It feels like I get beaten up in every show. I do have hundreds of scars in the show. My whole back is covered in them. It looks really gruesome. We did a shoot last week when there was a crowd of extras there and people were almost passing out when they saw them. They look amazing.”

You can read the entire The Scotsman article here.

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