Co-latha-breith sona dhut, Àdhamh!

Wishing a very happy birthday to our very own Gàidhlig expert, Àdhamh Ó Broin.  On his special day, this seems to be the perfect time to thank Àdhamh for all the generosity and patience he has shown to Outlanders worldwide. Feel free to drop him a tweet to @An_Comhghallac to wish him well.

Even Sam has gotten in on the act! See the following video tweeted from @Outlander_Starz:


Be sure to watch the video for further evidence of the spectacular job Àdhamh is doing with a very dedicated balach (lad). Say it with me (and Sam):

Co-latha-breith sona dhut, Àdhamh! / coh-laah-bray sawna ghooht, AH giv/

Also, please enjoy the fabulous cartoon created for Àdhamh by the talented Outlander Cartoons!
*Credits to the Ó Broinies and Outlander Cartoons

Àdhamh Ó Broin Surprises and Delights with Gàidhlig Story and Song at the UK Outlander Gathering

So I hope everyone is having a wonderful Monday. If you’re not, Àdhamh has kindly provided the Gàidhlig to express yourself!


Àdhamh had quite the busy weekend as he dropped in on the UK Outlander Gathering as a featured speaker and entertainer. From the flying tweets and Facebook posts, he was quite the hit, which doesn’t surprise me in the least.  I have never met anyone more willing and eager to share the culture he loves so much! Starz and Tall Ship Productions have done a great favor to Outlanders everywhere in bringing Àdhamh on board. Not only does he work long and hard to keep the Gàidhlig aspects of Outlander authentic, but he goes well above and beyond to interact with fans and help those of us who appreciate the culture and are trying to learn more.

Some shots from the Gathering:

However, by far the highlight of the afternoon, or so I hear, was Àdhamh’s vocal performance. Luckily Outlanders far and wide are able to appreciate a part of the performance thanks to this recording by Karin Anderson.

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