Who would have thought…

When I started the Great Scot! blog a couple of months ago, I had no real expectations. I was really just looking to add in a unique  way to the Outlander universe. However, thanks to you guys out there, Great Scot! has just hit 10,000 page views. I think that is a great achievement for such a niche part of the Outlander blogosphere.

Thanks so much for all the support! I look forward to continuing to provide exposure for the Gàidhlig culture so many of us have come to love and treasure! Thanks also to those like Àdhamh Ó Broin and Fiona Mackenzie who don’t mind me sharing their work through this blog.

Here’s to the next 10,000 views!

Great Scot! Music Monday – Fiona Mackenzie ‘Stories That Tie’/’Hallelujah’

This week’s music recommendation is courtesy of Fiona Mackenzie. You may remember that we were introduced to Fiona in a blog post a few weeks ago and that she has been helping to add to the Outlander Clan’s Gaelic expertise on Twitter as @gaelicsinger.

The song that is being featured today I feel is particularly relevant as it is about an American (Margaret Fay Shaw) who went to Scotland and ended up creating a very important collection of Gaelic folklore.

The song is hauntingly beautiful and has lyrics in both English and Gaelic. Some of the lines vividly recall for me my trip to Scotland:

Safe in shadows of peaks in the veil of dawn
Embraced in green blanket where bluebells abound

Bluebells in Perthshire


As you listen to ‘Stories That Tie’ here be sure to read the full lyrics as well. You can find much more about Fiona and her music on her website.

As a bonus, I also couldn’t resist including this version of Leonard Cohen’s Hallelujah sung by Fiona in Gaelic. Enjoy!

New members of the #Outlander Clan

I just wanted to take a minute to introduce a couple of new Gàidhlig speaking members of the Outlander clan.

First, we have Katie MacKenzie. With a name like that, she should fit right in!

You can find Katie on Facebook and on Twitter (@katiemack39). You can also find her album on iTunes.

Next, we have Fiona MacKenzie. Fiona is helpfully providing Gàidhlig tidbits appropriate to Outlander fans on Twitter at Twitter handle @gaelicsinger. She also has a website with lots of cool information about herself and her music.

Here is just a sampling of some of the Gàidhlig tidbits she has shared over the last few days.